Due South - DC

301 Water St. SE WDC 20003

Price: $

Southern Cuisine

shrimp and grits

shrimp and grits

Due South is by far one of the most authentic southern breakfast experiences i’ve ever had. when you walk in you are immediately met with aromas of spices and fried chicken. i was here along with family and friends to celebrate my sister’s birthday. if you’re an indecisive person, the endless menu options won’t be of any help. me being me, i ordered them all. the table favorite, ordered by 6 people in our party, was chicken and waffles. instead of following the rest of the pack, i ordered three other meals that caught my eye.

sautéed cinnamon apple french toast

sautéed cinnamon apple french toast

what’s savory without some sweetness? this apple french toast was the perfect combination of the two and complimented my other two plates. the whipped cream cheese married the flavors of the apples and the syrup i put on top of the french toast; a perfect ten.

veggie scramble

veggie scramble

for all my veggie lovers out there (that don’t run when mushrooms enter food discussions), this one is it. this cheese mashup paired with home fries is the perfect plate if you’re looking for a hearty and humble meal.

buttermilk fried chicken biscuit with hot honey

buttermilk fried chicken biscuit with hot honey

while everyone around me it seems like scarfed down their chicken and waffles, i took my chances with this chicken biscuit. the hot honey was everything i never knew i needed. once i drizzled this sandwich with it, i was completely sold. this breakfast spread won me over 3x over. one quick tip before you make your way here: mimosas are bottomless for two hours so come ready to eat and pace yourself with the mimosas because you’ll become the loudest in the room.